26 Mar 2012

Felafel Wraps with the lot! - A Family Favourite

This is not so much cooking as gathering really! But it makes an excellent, healthy, fast, nutritious family dinner - perfect for arranging around a busy evening of extra-curricular activities! This week it needs to be gathered and prepped before swim squad and my laps, and eaten immediately when we get home.

We have an excellent Lebanese Bakery near where we live (The Lebanese Loaf) which sells all the necessary bits and pieces. Great Flat Bread still warm, there own shop-made felafels, hommus, baba ghannoush, tabouli, killer garlic dip - fabulous but not for the faint hearted or those with social engagements the next day!

I do make all those things (except the bread) from time to time but on a busy week night, deep into the school term I am happy to buy them.

We add grated carrot, sliced tomato, shredded lettuce, grated cheese, sliced cucumber, greek yoghurt, BBQ sauce, sometimes some fried onion and roll our own fat, delicious wraps at the table.

Then we make some more for our own lunch the next day!

Sometimes we follow it with a little of their amazing Baklava. YUM!


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